If you are a local resident or a traveler passing through Everett Pennsylvania, we would love for you to stop in and visit with us at "Liberty".
. . . and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
2 Cor. 3:17
A friendly place to be.
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 6:30pm
Wednesday: 7pm
Visit with us!
Adult Sunday School Class: Pastor Swankler
Children's Sunday School Class: Brenda Ritchey & Lydia Swankler
Sunday Junior Church: Various couples from our church.
Wednesday Children's Class: Tonya Swankler
Pastor Swankler has been the pastor of "Liberty" for over 16 years. The church under his ministry has grown to a larger facility. You will find Pastor Swankler's sermons both exciting and challenging.
Pastor Clifford Swankler
Church Classes
Listen to a short sample of
Pastor Swankler's sermon.
Message: God can Turn the Tables.
Message: Excuses for Abortion?
Message: The Horrors of Hell.
Message: Let My People Go!
Broadcasting Times:
Sunday Morning at 11:15am
Sunday Evening at 6:45pm
Wednesday Evening at 7:15pm
Click on the picture to join the Livestream.
Radio Program
Every Saturday morning following the 10am news is our church radio broadcast called "Sounding the Battlecry". To join this radio broadcast, just click the "radio" picture.
Soul Winning & Visitation
. . . he that winneth souls is wise.
Touching lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Nursing Home Ministry
We are privileged to serve in many personal care homes as well as nursing homes in our local area. Help is always needed in reaching these senior residents with the Gospel and encouraging Christian shut-ins who are not able to travel to a church. Through this minsitry we have seen at least
40 come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
Jail Ministry
This jail ministry works in helping men and women within the local jail system overcome their addictions through Jesus Christ. We have a women's jail ministry division and a men jail ministry division which was started on August 6, 2015. Through this ministry we have seen at least